About Us


Jersey born & raised, we are a Mother/Daughter duo (I know, my Mom looks 35, try dealing with that all your life lol). We love family, food, friends & fashion but mostly we love working together and watching our little side hustle grow! We've done it all from painting houses, real estate, bartending, charity work to running ourselves ragged, busting our asses, making other people money and never seeming to really get ahead. We finally decided to take and embrace our OCD and lack of patience ;) and go full throttle into creating fun, humorous, sometimes too raunchy for mom, but hilarious to me... apparel!
We have a loud bunch around us and friends that became family! It's the stereotypical Italian family who gets together every weekend (and I mean EVERY weekend). Every single one of us will say the most off the wall but funny shit and mom and I will look at each other and yell "Put that on a shirt!" So we did and we continue to! We took the risk, we left the 7 combo jobs we had and decided to put a JerZey "flair" into making a statement in style! Although we have a lot of familiar trendy sayings, we have also our own, unintentional, accidental, involuntary outbursts that become quotes. You'll notice that we will be giving credit where credit is due in our descriptions under said shirts :)
Thank you for visiting our website. Enough about us, go shopping!